Tire Rotation

When it comes time for a tire rotation to be done, you might consider skipping it, but it is important that you don't do that. But maybe you aren't sure what the point is or who you should get to take care of it. Well, we are good at rotating the tires, and there are several reasons why it is important that you get them rotated. The first reason why you should have the tires rotated is fairly simple, and it is that rotating them will extend their life. They need to move from one position to another in order for you to get the most use out of them and for you to be able to avoid getting new tires for a while.


Another reason why tire rotation is important is that rotating the tires will keep you safer while you are driving. If they wore down unevenly, then you wouldn't be able to come to a stop as quickly. You would have problems overall while driving if you never rotated them, and you don't want that to happen. You should know that you are keeping your vehicle in great shape so that you can stay safe while on the road, and you will need to get the tires rotated in order to feel safe.


If you have a warranty on the tires, then tire rotation will be required. And you will want to know that when you have them rotated, that it will get done well. So, you will want to ask someone who knows how to move the tires around to do this for you. Ask us, and we will do this well. We will make sure that the tires go back on well and that they are in the right position to give you the most life out of them.


When the tires are rotated, it means that they will get taken off of the vehicle and moved to a new position on it. The front and rear axles in the vehicle act differently, and that is why the tires need to be moved around. If they always stayed in the same position, then two of the tires would be worn out long before the others, and that wouldn't be good for your safety or the vehicle's health. So, have us move the tires around for you when it comes time to do that.


The tires will need to be rotated about every six months, or every 6,000 or 8,000 miles. A good way to remember when the tires will need to be rotated is for you to think of when you are getting your oil changed, and to have us do this for you every other time you get that done. That way, you will keep your tires wearing out evenly, and you will trust that you are doing it often enough. You will feel great about how you are caring for your tires when you let us move them around on the vehicle as often as that needs to get done. Tire rotation and alignment is important, and you should never skip it.


Our Location:

You can also visit our location when you are at Vanderbie Park, Bloomington, MN through a 3 minutes car ride.